primex 100
primex 100 Methenolone Enanthate Steroid
primex 100 is the injectable version of the steroid Methenolone, a long acting anabolic that has very low androgenic properties. The injectable version of primex 150 is preferred over the oral version because it works faster and it costs less. primex 1050 doesn’t convert into estrogen so it is very favorable. Sensitive athletes like to use it because they don’t have to worry about the effects of Gynecomastia or water retention.
Women find primex 100 to be very mild and a comfortable anabolic to use. If both the oral and injectable versions were available for purchase, the oral should be given preference because blood hormone levels are more difficult to control with a slow acting injectable. The user will also have to wait several days for steroid levels to diminish if side effects become noticeable.
Most male bodybuilders choose to stack primex 100 with other steroids to enhance the effects and get faster results. If the athlete is dieting or in a cutting phase then a non-aromatizing androgen such as Halotestin or Trenbolone is added. The strong androgenic component helps bring added density and hardness to the muscles. Winstrol, another mild anabolic steroid is also commonly used. The result of this combination is a notable increase of muscle mass and hardness but without the side effects.
primex 100 is considered to be one of the safest anabolic steroids available. While the chance of side effects with primex 100 are very low, one may experience them. They can include oily skin, acne, unwanted body hair, and male pattern baldness. Most of the time any side effects a person experiences are the result of using too high of a dosage.
each vial contain
100 mg Methenolone Enanthate