testex E300
Testosterone Enanthate is an oil based injectable steroid. It may take up to three weeks for the action of this drug to fully leave your system. Testosterone Enanthate is the most popular prescribed testosterone for treating Hypogonadism and many other disorders that relate to androgen deficiency. 10ml Testosterone EnanthateSince this drug is long lasting it cuts down on the number of injections that have to received.
You can expect to find all the usual testosterone side effects with this drug as well including oily skin, acne, aggressive behaviors, unwanted body hair, and male pattern baldness. Older individuals often skip testosterone products altogether and use a mild anabolic such as Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise because they offer fewer side effects.
Testosterone is very powerful and it comes with many harsh side effects that are the result of testosterone converting into estrogen. These side effects can make it hard to stay with Testosterone Enanthate throughout an entire cycle. Water retention can be very noticeable with this drug, affecting the definition of the muscles. It can also cause the body to store excess fat which makes the muscles appear smaller than they are.
Testosterone Side Effects
To help offset these and other side effects, consider using an ancillary drug such as Nolvadex or Proviron. Some better options include Arimidex, Fermara, or Aromasin. These drugs will help lower the anabolic effect of androgen cycles. If you see puffiness under the nipples, then you may be developing Gynecomastia. You need to take care of it immediately or it will result in small lumps growing under the nipples that are swollen and sore.
each vial contain
300 mg testosterone enanthate